😊😊Happy Saturday😊😊
Red Envelope is the Monetary gift given during holidays or for special occasions such as a wedding, a graduation, or the birth of a baby in Chinese culture. For the Chinese New Year, the elders will also give out the red envelops to children.
We visit temples during the new year. The political leaders will also pass out the Red Envelopes to the people for good luck. My friend works Legislature office, so she took us to the temple where the vice president passed out the Red Envelopes. He is planning to run for the president in November, so a lot of his supporters were there to meet him.
David was the only foreigner there, so he even had a chance to take a picture with vice president and they put his picture in the newspaper. Now David thinks he is FAMOUS 😂🤣😂
Red Envelop from Vice President. This is the rabbit year so the design of the envelop is the shape of rabbit. Inside has One Dollar and it represents the new year and a fresh beginning for everything.
Hakka Yimin Temple (This temple was built in 1886)
We are waiting in line to get the Red Envelopes from Vice President.
David’s picture was on the Chinese newspaper.
David’s picture in the English version of newspaper
Between 1/11/23 to 2/20/23
I hope you liked my posting today. Happy stamping💖💖💖