We hold three card making event every year.  The first two events are a fundraiser to benefit local non profit organizations.  The last class of the year is always the “Customer Appreciation” Christmas Card Class that we show our love to all the people who supported us throughout the year.

The first fundraiser in 2023, was for the  YaYa Sisiter’s at First Christian Church of Moore.  We always try to do a fundraiser every two or three years for the church to thank them for letting us use the fellowship hall at no charge. This way we can give more to the cause. The YaYa will use the funds for various charities and projects throughout the year.

The fundraiser was held on March 3 & 4.  We had a total of 217 kits sold.  We raised $9,000.00 this time.  BIG THANK YOU for those who joined us.

Below are the cards that we created in the class.  The participants made 14 cards in seven designs.

The theme for the class was the ELEPHANT this time.  We made two table goodies for all of the attending crafters.  The reason we chose an elephant as the theme, is because the female elephant in the wild, looks after each other just like all the ladies in the room.

Each demonstrator needs to make 17 door prizes.  Because this is the rabbit year, so I have to use the stamp that I bought back from Taiwan to make my door prizes.

Here are the other door prizes.

We all had a great time while we were helping the people in need.  Hope you can join us next time in June.

Ready to create?  Here’s what you need: